Resource Hooks


Synchronization can be configured using resource hooks. Hooks are ways to run scripts before, during, and after a Sync operation. Hooks can also be run if a Sync operation fails at any point. Some use cases for hooks are:

  • Using a PreSync hook to perform a database schema migration before deploying a new version of the app.
  • Using a Sync hook to orchestrate a complex deployment requiring more sophistication than the Kubernetes rolling update strategy.
  • Using a PostSync hook to run integration and health checks after a deployment.
  • Using a SyncFail hook to run clean-up or finalizer logic if a Sync operation fails. SyncFail hooks are only available starting in v1.2


Hooks are simply Kubernetes manifests tracked in the source repository of your Argo CD Application annotated with, e.g.:

  1. apiVersion: batch/v1
  2. kind: Job
  3. metadata:
  4. generateName: schema-migrate-
  5. annotations:
  6. PreSync

During a Sync operation, Argo CD will apply the resource during the appropriate phase of the deployment. Hooks can be any type of Kubernetes resource kind, but tend to be Pod, Job or Argo Workflows. Multiple hooks can be specified as a comma separated list.

The following hooks are defined:

PreSyncExecutes prior to the application of the manifests.
SyncExecutes after all PreSync hooks completed and were successful, at the same time as the application of the manifests.
SkipIndicates to Argo CD to skip the application of the manifest.
PostSyncExecutes after all Sync hooks completed and were successful, a successful application, and all resources in a Healthy state.
SyncFailExecutes when the sync operation fails. Available starting in v1.2

Generate Name

Named hooks (i.e. ones with /metadata/name) will only be created once. If you want a hook to be re-created each time either use BeforeHookCreation policy (see below) or /metadata/generateName.

Selective Sync

Hooks are not run during selective sync.

Hook Deletion Policies

Hooks can be deleted in an automatic fashion using the annotation:

  1. apiVersion: batch/v1
  2. kind: Job
  3. metadata:
  4. generateName: integration-test-
  5. annotations:
  6. PostSync
  7. HookSucceeded

The following policies define when the hook will be deleted.

HookSucceededThe hook resource is deleted after the hook succeeded (e.g. Job/Workflow completed successfully).
HookFailedThe hook resource is deleted after the hook failed.
BeforeHookCreationAny existing hook resource is deleted before the new one is created (since v1.3). It is meant to be used with /metadata/name. This is the default deletion policy.

As an alternative to hook deletion policies, both Jobs and Argo Workflows support the ttlSecondsAfterFinished field in the spec, which let their respective controllers delete the Job/Workflow after it completes.

  1. spec:
  2. ttlSecondsAfterFinished: 600

Using A Hook To Send A Slack Message

The following example uses the Slack API to send a a Slack message when sync completes or fails:

  1. apiVersion: batch/v1
  2. kind: Job
  3. metadata:
  4. generateName: app-slack-notification-
  5. annotations:
  6. PostSync
  7. HookSucceeded
  8. spec:
  9. template:
  10. spec:
  11. containers:
  12. - name: slack-notification
  13. image: curlimages/curl
  14. command:
  15. - "curl"
  16. - "-X"
  17. - "POST"
  18. - "--data-urlencode"
  19. - "payload={\"channel\": \"#somechannel\", \"username\": \"hello\", \"text\": \"App Sync succeeded\", \"icon_emoji\": \":ghost:\"}"
  20. - ""
  21. restartPolicy: Never
  22. backoffLimit: 2
  1. apiVersion: batch/v1
  2. kind: Job
  3. metadata:
  4. generateName: app-slack-notification-fail-
  5. annotations:
  6. SyncFail
  7. HookSucceeded
  8. spec:
  9. template:
  10. spec:
  11. containers:
  12. - name: slack-notification
  13. image: curlimages/curl
  14. command:
  15. - "curl"
  16. - "-X"
  17. - "POST"
  18. - "--data-urlencode"
  19. - "payload={\"channel\": \"#somechannel\", \"username\": \"hello\", \"text\": \"App Sync failed\", \"icon_emoji\": \":ghost:\"}"
  20. - ""
  21. restartPolicy: Never
  22. backoffLimit: 2